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One with everything, Adeo.

Adeo in Latin has many meanings our favorites being “to undertake” and “greatly.” We are a boutique venture, a petite enterprise happy with our small lot in life.

Since we do not focus on individual name or fame, we chose a meaningful word to encompass our venture. We take pleasure in creating distinctive designs, working back and forth with our clients to fabricate something special for them.

Adeo believes in humility. We have set an intention to never claim sole ownership of anything in this world. Everything is for everybody. There is enough for everyone. It is important for us to share without ego and it is also important to create a healthy local market where everyone has equal opportunity and a chance to make a living. We believe in kindness and communication.

Adeo also believes in community, creativity and a non-hierarchical leadership. We invite interns to upgrade their skill-set and build our designs with us. We encourage them to build on their own too. To share is to grow and we urge woodworkers, makers, artists and interested youth, wherever their inspiration comes from, to create. Everyone has a right to express themselves but not always the chance. We hope to create more opportunities for all artists in Kenya.

Many Adeo designs are informed by the material being used. We admire the waves of grain in wood and allow them to guide us so we can begin the second incarnation. Paying homage to wood and its idiosyncrasies, we showcase nature’s beauty with minimal interference. Look for our console with its unique, shapely legs or our outdoor coffee tables where the natural shape of the wood whispers rare forms that can never be replicated. 

Our principles are modesty, inclusion, encouragement and celebrating mutual creative passion.

What is ours is yours. That is our philosophy.

"Because that is who we are."

About: About

OFM Backgammon Table Design

Our client is happy for us to share these original designs that we worked on for the Organic Farmers Market. He made his choice from a few options that we offered him. Please contact us by email if you would like us to share these original Adeo designs with you. We can exchange builders tips and help you to get where you need to.

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Scully benches 1 (3).jpg
About: Gallery
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